Considerations for purchasing a residential air conditioning system
If you’ve ever spent time in a home without air conditioning, then you do not need any convincing. Air conditioning is a necessary and vital part of a comfortable living situation for most people in the United States and most parts of Europe. For many people living in extreme temperature conditions, it is vital. But with all of the makes, models, and pricing structures out there, how can you decide which residential air conditioning unit is the best for you?
Air conditioning, however, has been around for a long time, believe it or not. In 1931 the first units were utilized and installed and since then the technology has continued to improve and move forward with new innovations. Some of the best innovations to have happened to the air conditioning system is the development of suppressors and/or units that run smoothly and quietly. Many of the newer models have apps that the home owner can access from their mobile phones to check the thermostat and reset the temps for when they are away. Some thermostat units are also using touch screen technology making it simple to program them. Recognizing the technology in the newer models, the government has gone so far as to offer rebates and tax credits for those who trade in their old units for newer more efficient units. These newer units reduce the day to day energy consumption, which is good for your wallet, and for the environment.
First of all, the acronym, HVAC, stands for heating, vents, and air conditioning system. There are a few major companies in the US that produce various model of HVAC systems. Regardless of the type of system, almost all of them require a solid footer to place the unit on. Usually this is a poured concrete slab. This is to protect the unit from drawing in debris while it is running. Also on the market is a solar unit that transfers the energy making it a self energizing machine.
If you select a really good contractor, they can assist you in choosing the HVAC system that is right for you. They will do an inspection of your home, determine your needs as far as heating and air are concerned, take into account the insulation ratings of your home and will note how many windows there are in the house. With this information the HVAC expert should be able to customize each system for the needs of you and your family. The newer units are well made with top of the line filtration systems that keep the air inside of your home as free of toxins and germs as any medical facility.
The necessity for having a fully operational and efficient air conditioning system for your residence makes the decision to purchase or upgrade the residential air conditioning until all that more critical for the homeowner. Navigating the pitfalls of makes and models is best left to a trusted and knowledgeable service professional and the HVAC Contractor’s Hub is ready to assist you with your residential air conditioning needs.